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14th Annual National Juried Exhibition
The Idaho Falls National Exhibition is an annual juried exhibition by the Idaho Falls Arts Council (IFAC) and exhibited at the Willard Arts Center in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Artists working in all mediums throughout the United States are invited to submit. This year, we received 358 submissions from 132 artists in 24 states. The juror selected 54 artworks by 52 artists in 13 states to be in the exhibition.
Juror's Statement
"To every artist who submitted: I was delighted and honored to experience your art! The submissions were impressive. Every single piece had positive qualities I wish I could point out to each of you in person!
When I was told the total number of pieces submitted and the number of selections I was allowed to choose for the final show, my stomach dropped. Many times I’ve been on the other side of this process—an artist anxiously waiting to hear if my art was chosen. I’ve experienced the elation of having my artwork selected, as well as the disappointment of not making the cut. So I took this responsibility seriously.
While making selections, I looked for high levels of excellence. I chose pieces demonstrating advanced artistic understanding and skills, as well as a firm grasp of design and composition. The selected artworks all needed a high level of quality befitting a professional gallery setting.
I made selections showcasing a wide variety of art mediums. I also gravitated to those that were especially unique and interesting.
In many cases, I chose one artwork over others of similar style or subject matter, because it was emotionally stirring or intelligently intriguing. People love artwork that helps them FEEL! Or THINK! Or SEE something in new way!
Artists: If you submitted a piece of art, be proud of your hard work and courage! Regardless of the outcome, facing fear and going after a goal is a huge success in and of itself. Never give up on making art, honing your skills, and sharing your work! The world needs your creative gifts.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this gallery show, from the artists who submitted artwork to those organizing and running the gallery. I’m proud to be part of a community that values Art and has such an abundance of artistic excellence."
- Amy Graham, 2022
2022 Juror: Amy Graham
Amy Graham is an Artist and Art Educator born and raised in SE Idaho. Her career began at 3 years old, with her first art exhibit--a sharpie drawing on her parents’ kitchen cupboards. (Unfortunately, it wasn’t well received.) Growing up, she drew constantly, especially during math class. Deciding she was tired of getting in trouble for drawing during school, she chose to study art in college. She combined her love for art + being with people, and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Art Education from BYU-Idaho. After teaching Jr High and High School art, she went rogue and began independently teaching classes/private lessons to people of all ages--at community centers, staff parties, church groups, from her own home, etc. She is currently making commission portraits, teaching private lessons, heading up the Shelley Youth Art Group, as well as teaching art classes to Pocatello’s after-school programs. (ADHD is her superpower/kryptonite for getting involved in many things!) Amy, her husband Patrick, and their three little hyper sons are currently squatters living in her parents’ basement while they build their dream home against the Shelley foothills.
To see Amy’s work, Follow her on Instagram @ByAmyGraham.Art or on Facebook: By Amy Graham.