Idaho Watercolor Society | Idaho Falls Arts Council Skip to main content

Idaho Watercolor Society


  • Exhibitions
  • Arts Council

Idaho Watercolor Society: The Wonderful World of Watercolor

  • 9/05/2024
  • 9am - 5pm Mon-Thurs, 9am - 3pm Fri, 11am - 3pm Sat
  • Willard Arts Center

Carr Gallery

Gallery reception September 5, 5-8pm, in conjunction with the Idaho Falls Art Walk

Sponsored by Michael Saunders and Dr. Monika Buerger, Dr. Larry and April Evans, Scot Murry, Perez Investments, Kan and Karma Taylor, Margaret Wimborne and Rob Thornberry.

The Wonderful World of Watercolor

Idaho Watercolor Society

The Idaho Watercolor Society’s mission is to promote and support the use of watercolor media and to educate the public as to the significance of watercolor painting.

The Society advances the interests of painters in watercolor and water media through its programs, workshops, and exhibits.

The IWS is divided into 5 regions across the state of Idaho to better serve its members. The East Region covers the area from Salmon to Arco to Driggs and is based in Idaho Falls.

The Wonderful World of Watercolor 

Watercolor and gouache are unique media in that they can be re-activated with the application or re-application of water unlike other water-based media such as acrylic and some inks which become permeant once dry. Traditional watercolor paint typically ranges from transparent to opaque while gouache is opaque. By manipulating layers of transparent and opaque watercolors artists can create unique artwork with depth and intensity. Watercolor is extremely versatile and is used to create everything from sketches and illustrations to photo realistic and abstract paintings. The goal for this show is to focus on the versatility of watercolor or gouache as the primary painting media.  In some cases, a secondary media such as gold leaf, ink, of pencil has been used to enhance the artwork.